Crystals Part One: How to Start Using Crystals

Crystals are a beautiful way to assist you with your healing, learning and energy levels. I've received many questions about crystals, how to select them, how they help and should they be used. I'm going to break this up into a series of blogs beginning with how to decide if they are right for you.


Selecting crystals is a personal choice - at one point, I moved away from crystals. It was only within the last year that I felt guided to seek additional support and I'm so grateful that it happened this way. Your journey will be personal and only you will know if it's right for you!


Step One: Purpose - ask yourself why you are interested in crystals.


What is the reason that you are seeking crystals as part of your journey? Most people have been told that certain crystals will benefit their healing. Others are curious and want to know if they really work. For some, there is something going on physically, mentally or emotionally that has been dealt with professionally, yet you feel that there is something missing in your healing process.


Step Two: Seek to understand which crystals will support your needs.


There are thousands of crystals so there is always more than one type that can be used for your specific need. Once you understand your need, clarify where in your mind, body and aura that you need the most support. For example, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Aventurine and Rhodonite are all crystals that can aid your heart chakra. However, what is going on in your heart? Do you feel that you need to increase compassion and calmness or heal old traumas? Once you determine the specific reason, it will help you mentally prepare for selecting your crystal.


Step Three: Meditate on how you're feeling to get to what your soul needs.


Take the time to connect to your Higher Self to help make the decision about what you truly need. As humans, we constantly make decisions in our head. It's neither right or wrong, it's just what we do. Take a moment to connect with your Higher Self through meditation, to guide you to what will work best for you. You may not receive a direct answer of a specific crystal, but you can connect, ground and protect your energy to help balance your decision making. For example, in our heads, we may think "I can't" or "I'm not good at..." One soul with these thoughts may have been told that they were not good enough. Another soul may not have received the financial support they needed to pursue their dreams. Each soul may want a boost in confidence, but one may gravitate towards a crystal that helps them begin their healing process with self love (such as Rose Quartz). The other soul may choose a crystal that boosts perseverance but calms their heart while making financial decisions (such as Aventurine). There is no right or wrong - it's a personal choice.


Step Four: Research a physical store that you can visit or contact.


Seeing, holding and feeling the energy of a crystal is important. You may read about a crystal and think "this is what I need" but you may feel guided to seek the healing properties of a different crystal all together once you hold it in your hands or once you're physically close to the crystal and it's energy. If you are able to, research and visit a shop to see what's out there. Find a shop that is well known, comes highly recommended and has great reviews. Check the reviews and see if the staff are knowledgeable and helpful. If you are uncomfortable going into shops at this time, call into the store to ask your questions and see if they do offer curbside pick up. Some may even take photos of crystals (or have photos posted online) of crystals that are available and you can see which ones you are drawn to the most. Each crystal has its own energy and you'll know if it's the one even from a photo.


Also ask where or how the owners source their crystals. All reputable shops are able to answer this question. They may not give you their source's contact info, but they should be able to say which country the crystal came from, if it is ethically sourced, if they mass purchase or if they hand select each crystal. 


I hope that this helps you as you begin your crystal journey. In part two of this series, Learn How To Cleanse and Charge your Crystals. 






Use this Meditation to Protect Your Energy!


Crystals Part Two: Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals