Crystals Part Two: Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals

Crystals are healing and carry a vibration. They are meant to absorb or repel energy and can absorb energy from anyone along the process - from mining to store front. Now that you have selected your crystal, it is important to cleanse it so that it can be of the greatest and highest good for you! There are several options to use to cleanse your crystal. As some crystals are delicate, I will list the safer options for all types. Prior to cleansing, you are an important part to this process. Connect Ground and Protect yourself as seen here. Once you complete this grounding exercise, visualize your cleansing tools in white light and hold the intention of clearing each crystal for the greatest and highest good for you and others.


1. Rice bowl


Using brown rice, fill a porcelain or glass bowl with brown rice. Bury your crystal in the rice and leave on a window sill over night. I tend to leave mine in rice for a full day, but over night works just as well. Rice is a balancing force between Earth and the Universe which makes it a wonderful way to clear any stuck energy in your crystal and create balance with it as well. Dispose of the rice once you have complete the cleansing process.


2. Sage


Using sage is a delicate way to cleanse crystals and also the air in your home. You will need white sage, abalone shell, matches and a clean surface. Set your crystals down on a table or counter. Holding the positive intention of cleansing, light a piece of sage in the shell. After allowing the flame to burn for few seconds, blow it out and the result is the sage continuously releasing smoke until it is no longer needed. Place your crystal in the smoke until you feel it is fully cleansed.


3. Earthing


You can bury your crystal in the earth to help ground out the energy of the crystal. As with the rice option, burying the crystal allows for it to connect with the earth, releasing any negative or unnecessary energy. If you decide to bury in your yard, make sure to honour and give thanks to the Indigenous ancestors of the land. 


4. Intention


As the energy of each crystal is unique, we can respect its vibration by using a prayer of intention and visualize the crystal being cleansed of all energy that is not of use to it or the person or environment that it will serve. Hold the crystal in one hand and cover with your other hand. With a clear mind, give thanks to the crystal for its healing purpose and infuse positive cleansing intentions into the crystal. Visualize the crystal releasing any low vibrational energy into a pot of white light for healing and transmutation. You can also invite an Archangel that works with that specific crystal or family of crystals to remove the low vibrational energy and to infuse it with cleansing light. Give thanks to the Archangel and to the crystal for the healing energy that was received.


5. Moonlight


If your purchase aligns with the full moon, it is a great opportunity to use moonlight for cleansing. Even if there is overcast, the full moon is at its strongest energetic pull and can really help cleanse your crystals. Combine this option with Intention. Set your cleansing intention for the crystal and set them on your windowsill. You can let your crystals sit in the moonlight for at least two or three days when the moon is at its strongest.


There will be lots to discuss about Programming Your Crystals in the next blog.





Crystals Part One: How to Start Using Crystals


Crystals Part Three: Programming Your Crystals