I needed my life to change but I didn’t realize how much it would change with Reiki.

How Reiki Found Me

My love of Reiki began in 2012. I was pregnant with our fourth child. That time was emotionally charged and challenging to say the least. Yet before that is where my story began.

I was a certified wedding planner but about 7 years into that season of my life, I began to feel caged, anxious and sad. These feelings didn’t start out that way (or so I thought). I began to question the origin and purpose of the connections between family members at each wedding. How did they become a family? Why did they choose this family? Why are they connected in this lifetime? After a while, that caged feeling grew because I started to ask myself the same questions. This is when Reiki found me.

My Spirit was calling me to change course. The emotions that I felt at the time were my physical Self not accepting what my Spirit already knew.

Not sure of where to turn, I searched online and was guided to a Reiki Master who helped me see my true Spirit which turned into a passion of helping others discover theirs. The rest, as they say, is history.

What I do

Well, it's what Spirit does, really. We all have a divine and wonderful connection to Spirit (God, Source, however you wish to acknowledge it) and as a practitioner, Spirit is the source, I am a channel and you are the receiver. I am used to guide healing energy to where you need it the most.

I focus on helping you clear your energetic pathways to reduce stress, increase Self love and improve connections to your Higher Self and others. You may feel lost or in repetitive patterns but I take great pride in helping you discover your Spirit again!

My vision is to help you love your authentic Self, naturally rekindling the relationship to your Spirit through the healing art of Reiki.

Interested in discovering your true healing patterns to bring out the best version of you? 

I can help you to:

Bring clarity to your life

Reiki can help you discover the root of the symptom, giving you more clarity to take your next step in life.

Reduce stress

Reiki allows you to release the root cause, therefore helping to reduce your mental, physical and emotional stress.

Build your confidence

Reiki can help build your self love and confidence by guiding your energy to assist in healing the source of your pain or trauma.